Suddenly all of my Ionic apps started crashing. This is the error I got. TL;DR, If chrome is not present or disabled than your ionic app might crash on launch. This rules only applies on debug builds of your app. Continue reading if you want to know how I figured it out. There might be […]
Category: Ionic

Previously on this blog. Person A: I need a chart on my app, which looks like a circle. A circle without the center. Person B: A what, you mean pie. Person A: Not a pie it has it’s name. Person B: “What name” Person A: It start with d, da, a Person B: A doughnut chart […]

You need to add chart to you ionic angular app. What are the options. Ngx Charts Ng2 Charts Ngx Charts It has a great online demo. Looking at the demo you have dozen of different chart choices. From Bar Chart to Line Chart to Pie Chart. I think it also comes with two color schemes […]