CSS Tutorials

Custom Checkbox Button with CSS :has()

The objective is to use checkbox to have effect of group buttons that can be toggled. For example, Button Groups from Bootstrap. Now they are much easier to implement with CSS :has functional pseudo class. We’ll start with some mark up, using regular form elements. Without any styles, our design look like below. Applying Styles […]

Java Script Opinions

Why redux pattern enforces Functional Programming

I am trying to go with the route of vanilla programming for my reactive needs. Hence I choose Proxy, A wrapper over a object, where we can listen to changes in properties. It has some traps, like get, set, has and so on. We are more interested in get so we can use it to […]

Java Script Opinions

Release the thread

Changes in properties of element or manipulating the children elements will trigger updates in UI when you release the three is virtual DOM really fast? React claims that its virtual DOM implementation is proved to be faster than changing real Dom, where 10 changes are collected and real DOM is updated at once hence faster. […]

Angular Opinions Tutorials

TIL Week 27 2023: Stow, fzf, Angular Router gotchas

This is regular week update, of things I have discovered in my daily workflow. Its a nice place to come back in future. I also share because this might help other developers. They might come across similiar situation. Stow – Manage config file Up until this point I was only working on single machine to […]

Angular Java Script Tutorials

Component Immutability and RequiredArray

While reading through component design, one of the recommended tip is to never mutate the input properties. Let’s look at the example below. (I am using Angular but same can apply to other frameworks) Here sort is a mutable operation. This not only sort the array but also mutates the array. I have prepared the […]