My name is Samiullah Khan, I’m Front End Web Developer. I really like to tinker with open web technologies. Main purpose of starting this blog is just to throw in some opinions about web industry I’d like to keep it like the daily journal. Where I would keep share the hurdles, their solution that comes in my personal and as well as professional life.
I’ve chosen my career as a freelancer, and I believe it’d be best for the person who feel comfortable working from cozy couch, not being able to be their on time and spanning 8 hours at one place ( no offense for full time guys), or having boss over your shoulder after every now and then.
Some time I might spur up the words that I don’t aware of, but that’s the main aim of this blog. Being an amateur blogger or developer if you will, I want the visitors or people that comes to this website to fix me. And take this blog to next level by pointing out things that requires modification.
In addition, trying to be perfectionist never let me put words out. That’s why don’t expect prettiest code or best practice.