Firebase Java Script Screencast Tutorials

Upload Photos to Firebase Storage with Ionic Angular [Screencast]

Firebase storage or cloud storage for Firebase makes it super easy to store your photos and videos. Firebase is Google platform known for scalability, cost effectiveness and security. It is reliable as it based on Mobile First approach. Which means it intelligently pauses and resumes the file transfer based on internet connectivity. If you are […]

Angular Firebase Java Script Tutorials

Getting Started with Firebase for Angular Ionic

Firebase is an app development platform covering everything from Database, Storage, Authentication to Hosting, Analytics. We don’t need to worry about the back-end of our application. One of the other exciting feature is real-time Database. A change in one client can immediately be seen in another. If so much of the organisation and architecture is […]

Java Script Tutorials

Registering JavaScript Events can be Tricky

When registering JavaScript Events we need to provide the handler. That handler is called when ever a specified event is clicked. function clickHandler() { alert(‘Window is clicked’) } window.addEventListener(‘click’, clickHandler()) The problem with above code is that, we will see the alert as soon as windows loads. The expected result is show alert whenever we […]

Angular Java Script Tutorials

Understand Angular Directive with Example [Video]

Angular directive makes more sense when used in an example. The interesting example will make things fun to understand and follow. In our scenario we will handle the images that are failed to load. If you are more of a video person that I have also attached the video the end of the article Watch […]

Java Script Tutorials

Shuffle an Array by extending built-in objects

Imagine if you transform your data like array for most of the time. Often times for loop with other variables are used to do the job. If it’s repeated than that code is extracted to its own function. Why not we extend the built in Array method and make it simple to use. Shuffle an […]