Firebase is an app development platform covering everything from Database, Storage, Authentication to Hosting, Analytics. We don’t need to worry about the back-end of our application. One of the other exciting feature is real-time Database. A change in one client can immediately be seen in another. If so much of the organisation and architecture is […]
Category: Angular
Angular directive makes more sense when used in an example. The interesting example will make things fun to understand and follow. In our scenario we will handle the images that are failed to load. If you are more of a video person that I have also attached the video the end of the article Watch […]
Enums are set of named constants. Their ability to create a set of distinct cases makes it best option to use with our ngrx reducers. We use those enums to represent NGRX actions as
Barrel file is a single place to re export your functions, variables etc for your modules. I have divided this post into Introduction Caveats Case Study
Those of you who are getting into angular testing, normally face this error. Usually this happen when we set the testing environment for Angular. These are the lines These are the culprits TestBed.initTestEnvironment( BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting() ) // or wrapped in beforeAll beforeAll(() { TestBed.initTestEnvironment( BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting() ) }) Diagnosing & Solution I might not have […]