Opinions Tutorials

TIL, Handy Git Commands, npm ls and more

This week of Things I learned, I would like to write about some git commands. These commands are parts of my daily usage. I would end up googling them every time they needed and go through a lot a links until land on the correct result. To save time I have gathered them at one […]

Java Script Tutorials

Registering JavaScript Events can be Tricky

When registering JavaScript Events we need to provide the handler. That handler is called when ever a specified event is clicked. function clickHandler() { alert(‘Window is clicked’) } window.addEventListener(‘click’, clickHandler()) The problem with above code is that, we will see the alert as soon as windows loads. The expected result is show alert whenever we […]

Angular Java Script Tutorials

Understand Angular Directive with Example [Video]

Angular directive makes more sense when used in an example. The interesting example will make things fun to understand and follow. In our scenario we will handle the images that are failed to load. If you are more of a video person that I have also attached the video the end of the article Watch […]

Ionic Tutorials

Ionic UI – Design Challenge – Incoming Expenses [Screencast]

In this article of Ionic design challenge we are looking at this expense app dribbble shot. We are going to convert the lower part of the design (as marked in the screenshot below) using ionic built in components. If you are more of a video person that I have also attached the video the end […]

HTML Tutorials

Native Modals using HTML Dialog Element

Native Modals is all discussed next. I will go through the existing solutions and recreate a minimal modal with HTML dialog element. For the sake of brevity, lets keep the styling and interactions for next article. Dialog, popup, modal, alerts or popover you name it. All there job is to take user attention for what […]